Worship at Home – June 7, 2020


In the beginning . . . .

The First Day: Genesis 1:1-5

Candle Lighting

Sharing the Peace of Christ

The Second Day: Genesis 1:6-8

Sung Response – VU 710  Shall We Gather at the River            HANSON PLACE

The Third Day: Genesis 1:9-13


The Fourth Day: Genesis 1:14-19

Learning a Song – MV 39 Mother Earth, Our Mother Birthing      MIRACLE

The Fifth Day: Genesis 1:20-23

Poem – “Be Still in Haste” by Wendell Barry


Offertory Music – “River”                                                               Julian Pattison

The Sixth Day: Genesis 1:24-31


Hymn – MV 41 O Beautiful Gaia                                                    Carolyn McDade

The Seventh Day: Genesis 2:1-3


Offering Leadership Today

Rev. Emily Gordon, Natalie Jahn, Matthew Boutda, Michael Dorang, Emily Pollock, Nancy Stewart, Murray Fenner, Courtney Dakers, Rachel Wood, Sheila McCoy, Peter Bull, Chris Norman


Sung Response – VU 710 Shall We Gather at the River 

This traditional Christian hymn originally titled “Hanson Place,” written by American poet and gospel music composer Robert Lowry. It was written in 1864 and is now in the public domain. The title “Hanson Place” is a reference to the original Hanson Place Baptist Church in Brooklyn, where Lowry, as a Baptist minister, sometimes served. The song’s lyrics refer to the Christian concept of the anticipation of restoration and reward, and reference the motifs found in Revelation 22:1-2 – a crystal clear river with water of life, issuing from the throne of heaven, all presented by an angel of God. 

Offertory Solo – River by Julian Pattison 

Julian is a pianist/keyboardist in the vicinity of Vancouver, British Columbia, and found his passion for music at an early age. His piano style combines elements of pop, jazz, hip-hop, funk, latin, blues, gospel and folk – and results in a fresh approach to music new and old. Julian holds a Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies from Capilano University and leads music at Mount Seymour United Church. 

Closing Hymn – MV 39 Mother Earth, Our Mother Birthing 

This new hymn celebrates the four traditional elements of creation and the interconnectedness of the Creation through time and place. The words were written by Norman Habel in 1999. Neil Weisensel composed the tune in 2006. In introducing this song, Habel says, “The occasion for this song was the 40th anniversary of the ordination of Rev. John Sabel, who is a poet and a disciple of St. Francis of Assisi. The poem honours St. Francis by acclaiming Earth, Air, Water, and Fire as our kin, components we have in common with planet Earth and with Jesus of Nazareth.”