Life Changes

Guaranteed Livable Income Speaker Event with Hal & Karen Llewellyn

Meet U @ The Zoom Room – Speaker Series

All welcome to join us on Wednesday February 16th at 10:30am on Zoom for a special Meet U @ The Zoom Room speaker event with Hal & Karen Llewellyn talking about Guaranteed Livable Income.

What is Guaranteed Livable Income?

Guaranteed Livable Income….an idea whose time has come.

“The time has come to stop blaming the mirror for not being a window, for presenting us with things we would rather not see. The time has come for a little common honesty. The poor, after all, are not, as some still pretend, poor of their own accord. The poor have no uncommon moral flaw that sets them apart, let alone condemns them. They are casualties of the way we manage our economy and our society – and that fact is increasingly obvious to the poor themselves.”   p. 142  From Bootstraps Need Boots: One Tory’s Lonely Fight to end Poverty in Canada  ..Hugh Segal

We welcome the opportunity to consider with you the need for income security for the most vulnerable of our society.

Come and find out more! All welcome and invite a friend!

Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 883 9875 7927
Passcode: 666497

Phone In:

For those phoning please:

Dial either phone number: 647-558-0588 or 647-374-4685
Put in the Meeting ID number: 883 9875 7927
Put in the Password number: 666497
If asked for a participant ID, just press #
Unmute your phone by pressing *6

Black History Month – Sunday February 6, 2022

Today our worship will be livestreamed to YouTube and shared on Zoom, starting shortly before 10:30am. Following the service, join (or stay on) Zoom for a time of conversation.

Get ready to sing this morning by watching Matt and our leads teach our Introit and Blessing for this month:

Today we mark the beginning of Black History Month with a music celebration including two anthems – “How can I keep from singing?” sung live with by leads and the wonderful virtual choir project “Hymn to Freedom.”

Today we hear about Jesus calling his first disciples, we continue with our Small Spiritual Practices, and watch a short video about the new United Church mission statement.

Today’s service draws on a service shared by the United Church for Black History Month created by Charmain Bailey. You might like to hear the sermon she recorded that accompanies the Call to Worship and prayers we share today, “Fishing so others may share a meal” (10 minutes):

Next Sunday
On February 13 our service “Words from a Level Place” will reflect on Luke 6:17-26. Our closing hymn will be the energetic “I’m gonna live so God can use me.”

Then, on February 20th we will share another service shared by the larger United Church: Black Experiences in Canadian Churches, created by 6 Millenials and Gen Zs.

YouTube Playlists
We have updated our Small Spiritual Practices playlist with all of our small spiritual practices this month:
I invite you to see if you can think of one person who might appreciate one of these practices, and share it with them. Our most popular so far was shared Jan. 16: Intention and Attention.

Other Playlists include…
Music Highlights:
Worship Services:
The Stories and Makers Nest:

Healing Series: Love – January 30, 2022

You may have noticed last week that the livestream was not as smooth as usual. It seems we are in the midst of a new round of tech challenges, and to try to have the best worship experience possible we are shifting the timing slightly this week in order to record the service and then share it rather than livestream.

For those on Zoom, we expect that the service will begin 10 minutes or so later than the usual 10:30am. You are invited to come at the same time, and begin our post-worship conversation time before worship.

For those on YouTube, we estimate that the video processing will be done by 11:30am. You might consider joining Zoom if you’d like to be as close to 10:30am as possible, or consider planning an intentional afternoon worship time this week.

Thank you for your patience as we continue to negotiate the new A/V system for this renovation. It has certainly been a bumpy road with highs and lows over the fall and winter.

Today we begin a Healing Series, which will fall on the last Sundays of each month. We begin by hearing the words of 1 Corinthians 13, and reflecting on the relationship between love and healing.

Our music includes a beautiful new hymn “When the wind of winter blows” and the anthem “Irish Blessing” by Bob Chilcott. Our final hymn “Love is the touch” will be followed by the sung blessing “May God’s Sheltering wings.” We hope you will find moments of healing and renewal in this week’s words and music.

Next Sunday
Then, on February 6 we will mark the beginning of Black History Month, including with two anthems “How Can I keep from singing?” live and the virtual choir recording of “Hymn to Freedom.”

YouTube Playlists
We have updated our Small Spiritual Practices playlist with all of our small spiritual practices this month:
I invite you to see if you can think of one person who might appreciate one of these practices, and share it with them.

Other Playlists include…
Music Highlights:
Worship Services:
Stories and Makers:

Fred Fox – Special Guest Speaker at Meet U @ The Zoom Room

Join us on Wednesday February 9th at 10:30am on Zoom for a special Meet U @ The Zoom Room speaker event with renowned speaker Fred Fox on behalf of his brother and the Terry Fox Foundation.

More about Fred Fox:
Fred Fox never imagined that he would take part in one of the most inspiring stories in Canadian history when he watched his brother Terry set out on his Marathon of Hope in April of 1980. He had the opportunity to join Terry a couple of times on the road that summer and watch as Canadians embraced his brother in a remarkable way. Fred’s commitment to Terry’s cancer research legacy never wavered, leading the Terry Fox Foundation’s BC Office from 1994 to 2001 and then moving to the National Office in 2009 to serve as Manager of Supporter Relations.

All welcome to hear how Fred supports cancer research and continued dedication to his brother’s legacy. Please share the Zoom link with a friend.

Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 883 9875 7927
Passcode: 666497

Phone In:

For those phoning please:

  1. Dial either phone number: 647-558-0588 or 647-374-4685
  2. Put in the Meeting ID number: 883 9875 7927
  3. Put in the Password number: 666497
  4. If asked for a participant ID, just press #
  5. Unmute your phone by pressing *6