Third Sunday of Lent – Nurturing Spirituality March 20, 2022

At 9:15am on Sunday, you are invited to In the Wild: a time for spirituality in nature for all ages on the church lawn, as we think about the theme “Rhythms” and mark the Spring Equinox.

At 10:30am join us in-person, on Zoom, or on YouTube for our weekly Sunday morning worship.

This Sunday we explore the theme “Nurturing Spirituality” as we think about how we care for ourselves and others, recognizing the goodness of God in the goodness of life.

Our hymns, readings, and other music are filled with nature. We will hear a scripture passage about a fig tree, listen to the anthem Highland Cathedral with words about the presence of God in nature, and sing the hymns As the Sun with Longer Journey and Tree of Life and Awesome Mystery. Speaking of singing, if you’d like to prepare to sing our Introit this Lent in-person (or online), you can learn it along with Matt and our leads here:

Looking Ahead
On Sunday, March 27 we mark the fourth Sunday during the season of Lent with the next in our Healing Series, as we think about Forgiveness.