Second Sunday of Advent – December 6, 2020

If you are able to join worship over Zoom we will be sharing a pageant this morning. It has been coordinated by Rosedale United Church, and their children and youth have speaking roles.

If you cannot join by Zoom, please note the separate temporary pageant link. This will only be up for a few days, to help protect the privacy of our families.

The Stories and Crafts program will once again begin at 9:55am this morning. All ages are welcome to gather at 9:45 to watch it together, or any time on YouTube.

Our worship this morning also includes music shared by Fairlawn Avenue United Church, and a reflection on Mark 1:1-8. 

Next Sunday
Our third Sunday of Advent (Joy) will include the hymn “People Look East.” We will also have the opportunity, over Zoom, to light candles for Hope, Peace, and Joy in our lives and in the world.

Also, don’t forget that December 10th is our Christmas Tea, and everyone is invited!