Happy Birthday Leaside United! June 13, 2021

Happy Birthday!
This Sunday we celebrate four years since the coming together of Presteign-Woodbine and Leaside.

The service will be the same on Zoom and on YouTube, so you are invited to take part either way this morning – and consider watching or re-watching on YouTube with headphones for the best sound quality.

Join us for a congregational meeting on Zoom after the service, at 11:15am, when we will approve council and committee nominations for the coming year, and consider a small update to our mission statement.

Here are a few highlights:

Our virtual choir is sharing a world premiere of “We Now United Our Voices” an anthem by Canadian musician, music educator and composer Gordon Adnams. He was so impressed with our virtual choir projects that he reached out to Matt about creating this recording.

The Stewardship Action Committee once again shares its wonderful annual Celebration Slideshow as a part of our service.

Our prayers blend last year’s Church Birthday prayers with some updated words and images that reflect the past year.

Those who gathered at our end of year choir party wish you peace with spoken words and in American Sign Language (ASL).

Our welcome and blessing share a few more glimpses of our newly renovated church building.

Our reflection on Mark 4:26-34 reflects on the past year and the unexpected nature of God’s Kingdom.

Plus much more wonderful music and spoken leadership from many in our congregation!

We are very pleased with how this service came together, and hope you will share it with family and friends.

Stories and Makers Nest:

Next Sunday is National Indigenous Day of Prayer as well as Father’s Day. It will be the second of our shared sermon and music services with Northlea United Church this spring, with Emily sharing the reflection with both congregations.

June 27 we will celebrate Pride Sunday.

July 4 we will celebrate Canada Sunday.