Matthew’s Music Notes

Matthew Boutda Interim Music Director
Matthew Boutda

For the next weeks of Lent, our theme will be focusing on There’s a Voice in the Stillness. This liturgical season will incorporate contemplative practices such as Taize style chanting and prayerful meditation. Throughout Lent, I will also incorporate some of your favourite hymn selections that you have listed to improvise on. During this time, I will also be giving up postludes as a way to centre ourselves for this season. Just wait till Easter for the boisterous postludes!

Throughout Lent, we will also be singing one of my new hymns that I wrote, which we will use as sung responses to our prayers. The inspiration for writing Seek Us and Find us was to write hymns of mental awareness. This hymn was personally written for family members and friends who are struggling with a mental illness. This hymn could also be thought of as a prayer for healing and comfort as well.

Matthew Boutda

Interim Director of Music