Experiencing Creation with All Our Senses: Sound

September 26, 2021

Blessing of the Animals
“All God’s Creatures got a place in the choir”

Today’s service includes a Blessing of the Animals, so bring your pet with you to church – or a photo if that is a little more still.

This week our Anthem “A Place in the Choir” is a fun celebration of animal sounds. We will also sing “All Things Bright and Beautiful” as a hymn following the Blessing of the Animals.

Our Zoom service will include a time for lighting candles as our prayers for joys and sorrows – including all of our celebrations.

Join Zoom at 11:10am for a time of conversation following the service.

Next Sunday
We continue on to Taste next Sunday, as we celebrate Worldwide Communion live on Zoom. There will be a shorter time of worship shared on YouTube, but consider attending Zoom by computer or phone next week to share in communion with one another, bringing bread and juice, or whatever you have at home that is similar, with you.