Life Changes

The Beginning and The End – Sunday May 15, 2022

The apocalyptic language of the book of Revelation is full of images and poetry that convey both a deep-rooted sense that things in the present are wrong and also (unlike apocalyptic or dystopian books and films of the present) a firm belief in God’s transformative love.
Alongside Revelation, we’ll hear words Jesus spoke about the centrality of love, and lines from the poetry of T.S.Eliot. Do these words speak worries, fears, and hopes that are on our hearts?
What hope do we find in a new heaven and a new earth, and in God’s words “I am the beginning and the end”?
Our music includes the hymn “Joyful, Joyful We Adore You” as well as the anthem “Heaven’s Gonna Be My Home.”

Open Hearts – Mother’s Day – Christian Family Sunday May 8th, 2022

This Sunday Morning we have two different opportunities to gather:

9:30 – All Ages Story Time (church lawn)
10:30 – Worship (in-person, Zoom, and YouTube)

This Sunday our Junior Choir will be singing the anthem “Listen to the Music” and our Chancel choir will sing “In Time of Silver Rain.” Our hymns include “In the Bulb There is a Flower.”

Our scripture and reflection turn to one of the women in scripture: Lydia, who appears in the Acts of the Apostles and is considered the first Christian convert in Europe. Lydia responds with hospitality – open hearts lead to open doors.

The story offers us a touchstone for our Mother’s Day and Christian Family Sunday worship.

Remember that you are invited for Story Time on the church lawn at 9:30am – picture books often have values, themes, art, and spiritual practices that can speak to old and young alike.

Looking Ahead

Sunday, May 15 is our next In the Wild gathering at 9:15am, followed by our weekly worship service at 10:30am: “The Beginning and the End.” We will hear some verses from Revelation, as well as some of Jesus’ words about love.

This Sunday at 9:30am – Story Time on the Lawn

black children lying on couch doing storytime
Photo by Keira Burton on

This Sunday we have our first All Ages Story Time at 9:30am on the church lawn. The simplicity and beauty of many picture books can be meaningful for all ages. Come on your own or with others.

Then at 10:30am is our Mother’s Day / Christian Family Sunday service, with musical highlights including our Junior Choir! Join us in-person or online.

Community Breakfast, Worship and Annual General Meeting – Sunday May 1st at 10am

bacon sandwich on plate


On Sunday, May 1st we will be having a short annual meeting for the congregation, but before the service starts we will have a Community Breakfast outside on the lawn for all ages. Whether or not you plan to attend the service, you are invited to come for 10am have your (likely second) breakfast and take part in activities that will range from signing cards for people in the congregation to drawing all over the sidewalks with sidewalk chalk (the more artists of all ages the better!) We’ll also invite those who are interested to share thoughts (with stickies) about our faith (creating a community prayer together) and where we are going as a church. For those who decide to stay for the worship service and short meeting, there will be a second opportunity to share food together outside at the end.

For more information contact Rev. Emily.