Leaside United Church

Children of God – Sunday June 19, 2022

This Sunday we mark both Father’s Day and Indigenous Day of Prayer. We begin the service with a focus on prayer, including singing Psalm 42 together (As the Deer Pants for the Water) and sharing prayers written by the Rev. Nancy Best and the Rev. Jan Jorgenson (more information below).

Our service continues into a consideration of Father’s Day, and closes with the familiar hymn “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling.”

Looking Ahead

On June 26 we will share a Pride Sunday service with a rainbow candle lighting liturgy.

On July 3 we will mark Canada Sunday, with Matt and all four leads offering musical leadership. Our music will include the hymn “Let Us Build a House”, anthem “All the Little Rivers of Canada”, the National Anthem, and more.

In the Wild – June 19th at 9:15am

trees with sun shining through

The next In the Wild gathering will take place Sunday, June 19th at 9:15 am (rain or shine). Our theme this month is Trees. You are invited to come with a story or some thoughts about your favourite tree (species, or specific tree). For more information contact Rev. Emily

COVID-19 Update – June 10, 2022

The final mask mandates put in place by the Ontario government are lifting June 11, and we know many organizations are making decisions to continue some form of mask requirements. At Leaside United Church, we have recognized that the risks increase with the larger gatherings for worship as well as singing, and have tried to balance this with the importance of both to our community of faith.

We ask that you, alongside our wonderful choir, continue to mask during worship and singing, for the safety and comfort of yourself and of the others in attendance at worship. Masks continue to be available at the door, should you forget your own.

If you have any communicable disease (whether or not it is Covid), we ask that you worship from home.

Please also remember that we also have a choice between distancing and non-distancing sections in our sanctuary – if you wish to distance simply sit on the side with roped off pews, and respect the space of those seated there. We also keep the windows open during the service to increase airflow.

Lemonade on the lawn is served outside to decrease the risk while providing an opportunity to gather with one another. Thank you to all the lemonade on the lawn volunteers.

Thank You for your support as we continue to try to keep one another both safe and comfortable.