Easter Sunday – The Voice of Love

Sunday April 17th at 10:30am join us in-person, on Zoom, or on YouTube for our Easter Sunday worship.

Our Easter Sunday service features the Junior Choir singing live, and our joint Leaside and Northlea Easter Choir with our Introit, two beautiful anthems, and the Hallelujah Chorus to complete our service. The joint choir has been busy rehearsing and recording this music in preparation for this Sunday. We will open with the hymn “Who is there on this Easter Morning” and close with a new hymn text “Jesus is risen! Radiant as the sun” written to the familiar tune of “Thine is the glory.”

(note: this video starts at about 6 minutes into the service while we were rebooting the cameras, sorry for the inconvenience)

On Palm Sunday our service was “Voices of Hope” and on Good Friday “A Voice of Grief.” Today our service is “The Voice of Love.” Where do you hear the voice of love? How do you listen?

Following the service, if you are worshiping in person you are invited onto the church lawn for coffee and tea outside (and pick up some treats from the bake sale). If you are watching on YouTube, join in on Zoom for Easter conversation time following the service.

The children’s area is ready with colouring bulletins, stickers, tables and chairs big and small for Easter Sunday. If a little one is coming with you, don’t worry about the noise – it doesn’t get picked up by the microphones and won’t be heard online.

Thank you to everyone who spent time after the Good Friday service to set up and everyone who will be arranging flowers Saturday morning so that we are ready for Easter!

Looking Ahead

On Sunday, April 24 we continue our monthly healing series with the theme “Wounded Christ.”

We will also have our April In the Wild gathering (a time for spirituality in nature for all ages) on the church lawn at 9:15am. We will be planting and taking home seeds.

Then, on Sunday, May 1 will be our Annual General Meeting Sunday. We will begin with a Community Breakfast on the church lawn at 10am, with the opportunity to share in conversation and activities from reflecting on future directions, to signing cards, to create some sidewalk chalk art. The service will begin at 10:45am and will be followed by a short meeting. The morning will conclude with desserts.

Sunday, May 8 will be our first Story Time at 9:30am on the church lawn. There are some beautiful picture books that can be enjoyed for both their art and their message by all ages. Come for this all ages gathering before out 10:30am Mother’s Day service.

Today after the service: