Eco-Tips from the Green Team

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Eco Tips from the Green Team for Global Wellness

It has been several months since the last series of green tips was shared in the bulletin. The author has been waiting for some inspiration. It has come in the form of the devastating wildfires in Australia. Social media has been filled with posts bemoaning the fate of the animals, criticisms of government resource allocation, and general fear and finger-pointing. While understandable, none of this is helpful.  

What would be helpful would be for all of us to continue to make changes (the more the better) in our daily routines, rituals, and lifestyles, so that we can halt the effects of our misuse of the planet we have been gifted, and live in a way that is sustainable for our planet. Please read our upcoming weekly green tips and use them as your own inspiration to make a difference and help us move towards a planet that can be healthfully inhabited by generations to come.  

If you have your own green tip to share, please email