Worship at Leaside UC – Sun, September 29, 2024

We continue with the Creation Time with the theme “Persevering for the long haul.” The scripture readings include Numbers 11:4-6, 10-11, 13-14, 16 and James 5: 13-18. Hymns include In the Bulb there is a Flower and Like a Healing Stream. The anthem is God Has Work for Us to Do by Mark Miller.

Worship at Leaside UC – Sun, September 22, 2024

Join us for worship as we continue the Creation Time theme: Taking Action. We will be celebrating Sacrament of Baptism at the beginning of the service and the livestream will begin after the Baptism. Hymns will include Called by Earth and Sky and Let All Things Now Living, and the anthem will be Show Us How to Love by Mark Miller. If you would like to watch the service, please click this LINK.

Worship at Leaside UC – Sun, Sept 15, 2024

This Sunday, we continue with our Creation Time theme of “Habits of Hope.” Music will include the hymns, “We Cannot Own the Sunlit Sky” and “This is God’s Wondrous World” and the choir anthem is “A Future and a Hope” by Cindy Berry. To watch the service, please click this LINK.

Welcome Back Sunday at Leaside UC – Sun, Sept 8, 2024

Join us for a special Sunday at Leaside UC (822 Millwood Road) at 10:30 am. We will celebrate birthdays, anniversaries and other special events from July and August, as well as dedicate a new Historical Exhibit in the Sanctuary. There will be special fall desserts after the service. To listen to the service, please click this LINK.

Worship at Leaside United Church – Sun, August 4, 2024

This Sunday, August 4, we will worship at Leaside United Church at 10:30 am. Our theme will be “It’s Raining Bread”and the scripture reading will be Exodus 16: 2-4, 9-15 We will also celebrate the sacrament of Communion. People are welcome to celebrate by intinction, coming forward to dip bread into the juice, or using communion cups in the pews. If you would like to watch the service, please click on this LINK.

Worship at Leaside United Church – Sun, July 28, 2024

This Sunday we will worship at Leaside United Church at 10:30 am. Our theme will be “Barely Any Barley Loaves” and the scripture readings will be 2 Kings 4:42-44 and John 6:1-21. Music includes the hymns, Come, O Fount of Every Blessing and Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ, and we will hear two solos. If you would like to watch the service, please click on this LINK.

Worship with Leaside UC – Sunday July 21, 2024

On July 21 we will worship at Leaside UC at 10:30 am. The theme of the service is “Rest Interrupted” and the scripture will be Mark 6:30-34, 53-56. If you missed the service, you can watch it at this LINK.

Worship with Leaside UC – June 30, 2024

On June 30 we will celebrate Canada Day and Celebration Sunday. Our service will feature music by Canadian composers and hymn writers, and there will be a new Choral Introit written for Leaside United Church. To watch the service, please click on this LINK.

Worship at Leaside United Church – June 23, 2024

This Sunday, June 23 we will celebrate Indigenous Day of Prayer. Hymns include Deep in our Hearts, Like a Healing Stream, and Called by Earth and Sky. The choir anthem is Okâwîmâw Askiy (Mother Earth) by Sherryl Sewepagaham  and the choir leads will sing Ispiciwin by Andrew Balfour. To watch the service please click on this LINK.

Worship with Leaside United Church – Sun, June 9, 2024

On June 9 we will celebrate our Church Birthday! We look forward to a special Upper Voices Choir Anthem, the Stewardship Celebration slideshow, and cake after the service! To listen to the service, please click this LINK.

Worship with Leaside United Church – Sun, June 2, 2024

On Sunday, June 2 we will celebrate Pride Month. This week our music includes the hymns My Love Colours Outside the Lines and Dance with the Spirit. The anthem will be Don’t BE Afraid, and the solo will be an arrangement of How Great Thou Art. Our scripture reading will be 1 Samuel 3:1-10. Then, after the service, you are invited to Green Grace, an all ages opportunity to plant seeds and take them home to grow. If you would like to watch the service, please click on this LINK.

Worship with Leaside United Church – Sun, May 26, 2024

On Sunday, May 26 we will celebrate Music Sunday! Our hymns will include Make a Joyful Noise, I Danced in the Morning, and When In Our Music God is Glorified. We’ll also be singing the Lord’s Prayer this week. We are also planning a special In the Wild gathering – “Meet Your Tree!” After the service join us for Lemonade on the Lawn, followed by In the Wild. It is also Celebration Sunday as we acknowledge special birthdays and events from the month of May. If you would like to view the service, please click on this LINK.

32nd Annual Variety Show at Leaside United Church

The 32nd Annual Variety Show (a long-time tradition at Presteign-Woodbine UC before they amalgamated) was held on March 1, 2024 at 7 pm. The show is now available to view on the link below. Congratulations to all the performers and supporters who made this such a fun evening. This year, Mood Disorders of Ontario received a donation of $428.40 from the proceeds.

To view the Variety Show, click on this LINK: https://youtu.be/V_HfiZvqxPQ ENJOY!

Worship at Leaside United Church – Sun, May 19, 2024

On Sunday, May 19 we will celebrate Pentecost, with the scripture reading Acts 2:1-21. As we listen to the story of the Spirit’s movement, the beginning of the church, we can reflect on how we experience the Spirit’s movement today. What language connects us to our spirituality? What is our church called to now? What are the visions and dreams? Our music will include the hymns Holy, Holy, Holy and Spirit, Spirit of Gentleness, as well as the anthem My Spirit Sang All Day. To watch the service, please click on this LINK.

Worship at Leaside United Church – Sun, May 12, 2024

On Sunday, May 12 we will mark Christian Family Sunday, with music that includes anthems with both our Junior and Chancel choirs, as well as The Flower Duet with flutes for our prelude. Our hymns will include Come In, Come In and Sit Down as well as In the Bulb there is a Flower. To watch the service, please click on this LINK.

Before the service, you are welcome to come as early as 9:45am for a Morning Gettogether on the Church Lawn with fruit, lemonade, time to socialize, and a group art project, all led by Leonard our All Ages Ministry Leader. Arts and crafts skills not required, and the more people the better the result will be! For children (and any children at heart) we will also have bubbles and sidewalk chalk as we take advantage of the spring weather. Come for just a couple of minutes as you arrive or for the full time before the service!

Worship at Leaside United Church – Sun, May 5, 2024

On Sunday, May 5 we will celebrate Asian Heritage Month. During the service we will sing the hymn O Phi Nong Oei, which was arranged by Matt. We will also sing “Here we gather. Here we sing” written by Emily with music by Matt as we bring forward our offering. The choir anthem is Kamome by Makiko. To view the service, please click on this LINK.

Worship with Leaside United Church – Sun, April 21, 2024

Sunday, April 21 we will celebrate Earth Sunday. This year the Earth Day (April 22) theme is Planet vs. Plastics. You can read more about Earth Day here: https://www.earthday.org/earth-day-2024/ Our Earth Sunday service will include hymns that celebrate the beauty of the earth and the miracle of life (All Things Bright and Beautiful and Now the Green Blade Rises) as well as a new hymn written in response to Earth Day this year. Our scripture will be John 10:11-18 and the choir anthem will be Earth Song by Ticheli. To listen to the service, please click this LINK.

Worship at Leaside United Church – Sun, April 14, 2024

Sunday, April 14 we will celebrate the sacrament of Communion and have our Annual General Meeting. Our music will include the hymns Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ and Let Us Build a House. Our Communion will include bread and rice crackers for a gluten-free option. We will also have Communion Cups for those who would prefer to partake from the pews. For those taking part in worship online from home, remember to put bread and juice (or something similar) on your grocery list for this week.

Give & Go FUNdraiser Event – Thursday, April 18, 2024

Join us for a FUNdraising event at Leaside United Church on Thursday, April 18th from 7:00-8:30 pm. These events are designed for our whole community so be sure to invite your neighbours, families and friends to participate with you.

The format will be a Wine and Cheese and Silent Auction with many experiences and items that you can bid on.

Cash, cheques made payable to Leaside United Church, or e-transfers to ann@leasideuc.com are required at the 8:30 pm close of the event. All sales are final and there will be no refunds unless an event is cancelled by the host(s) and not rescheduled.

Funds raised from these events will go towards supporting the Thorncliffe Neighbourhood Office (Foodbank) and the ministry of Leaside United Church.

On behalf of Leaside United, thank you to the “givers” and “goers” for your participation and support.

Give & Go Planning Committee – Brenda French & Barbara Kinnear

Worship at Leaside United Church – March 31, 2024

Sunday, Mar 31 at 10:30am is Easter Sunday. Join us for an abundant celebration with Easter flowers, string quartet and trumpets! The Junior Choir will be singing Alleluia, Allelu by Susan Challoway. Chancel Choir music will feature solos from Handel’s Messiah, ending with the Hallelujah chorus. Our hymns include Easter favourites Jesus Christ is Risen Today and Christ is Alive, along with a more recent hymn Jesus is Risen! Radiant as the sun. To view the Easter service, please click on this LINK.

There will be a fun children’s worship, including the Easter story and activities. Directly following the service children are invited to stay for ice cream or sherbet in the children’s area. Everyone else is welcome to stay for tea, coffee, treats, and conversation as we continue to share Easter joy with one another.

Worship at Leaside United Church – Sun, March 24, 2024

Sunday, Mar 24 at 9:30am on the Church Lawn will be our In the Wild gathering, a time of spirituality in nature for all ages. Our theme this month is Labyrinth Walking.
Then at 10:30am we celebrate Palm Sunday and our worship will include a palm parade as we remember Jesus entering Jerusalem. The music will include the choir anthem “Ride On, King Jesus” and the hymn “Ride On, Ride On, the Time is Right.” This will be our final week singing “Senzeni Na?” during our Prayers and we will end the service with “Jesus, Remember Me.” If you would like to watch the 10:30 am service, please click on this LINK.

Worship at Leaside United Church – Sun, March 17, 2024

Sunday, Mar 17 at 10:30am is the fifth Sunday during Lent. We will have a guest preacher, Rev. Ben Kidd. Music will include “I Heard the Voice of Jesus” and “Take My Life and Let It Be.” The choir anthem will be “If Ye Love Me” by Tallis. If you would like to watch the service, please click on this LINK.

Worship at Leaside United Church – Sun, March 10, 2024

Sunday, Mar 3 at 10:30am we celebrate the Fourth Sunday of Lent with the theme, “21st Century Sabbath.” Hymns include Be Still and Know and Go Forth for God, and the anthem is Be Still, My Heart by Matthew Emery. We welcome Cecelia Lee as guest organist.

Worship at Leaside United Church – Sun, Mar 3, 2024

Sunday, Mar 3 at 10:30am is the third Sunday during Lent. We will read about Jesus overturning the tables of the moneychangers in John’s Gospel (John 2:13-22). Our music will include the hymns “Over My Head” and “Jesus Christ is Waiting” as well as the anthem “A Celtic Prayer” by Barry Peters. If you’d like to watch the service, please click this LINK.