Renovation Highlights

March 25, 2019


Last week we heard about the Kitchenette, and this week we turn to the exterior. During the fall, 67% of people who completed the Renovation Prioritization Feedback agreed that a welcoming and invitational landscape should be a high priority, while most others who responded thought it should be improved, but with a lower budget. We’re happy to share several areas of improvement, and are also sorry to tell you about one area where we can’t do what we wanted. From a timing point of view , the Kitchenette will be an initial fall 2019 project whereas outside exterior work and landscaping will be one of the last projects – 2020.

Finally, we will be fixing the ramp to the Millwood entrance, and creating a small glass entrance with doors that can be opened with a button. This means the entrance will be fully accessible for all coming to the church in wheelchairs and electric scooters, as well as also easier for those with walkers, strollers, or bringing other things into the building.

Feel free to talk to anyone on the Renovation Team (Jim Miller, Fraser Holman, Graham Lute, Brenda French, Anne Raby, Ann Fraser, and Emily Gordon) about this renovation highlight, and we’d be happy to talk more. Stay tuned next week for some of improvements we’ll see inside the doors.

March 15, 2019


We are excited about the renovation plans for the kitchenette and the washrooms off of the Hearth Room. The current kitchenette is a small narrow space, without a dishwasher, where it is difficult for several people to work together. At one of the congregation feedback opportunities in the fall someone suggested the wonderful idea of reversing the locations of the kitchenette and washrooms, allowing us to increase the size of the kitchenette and provide the needed washrooms. This idea became the basis of our proposed layout.

The planned kitchenette will take up half of the current kitchenette area and all of the current ladies’ washroom. This means it will not just be longer but also twice as wide. Changes will include the addition of triple sinks, a full-size fridge, and a dishwasher. Although we don’t yet know the timeline for the renovations, we do know that the
kitchenette area will be one of the earlier projects to be undertaken.

Feel free to talk to anyone on the Renovation Team (Jim Miller, Fraser Holman, Graham Lute, Brenda French, Anne Raby, Ann Fraser, and Emily Gordon) about this renovation highlight, and we’d be happy to walk you through this draft floor plan.

For more information check out LUC’S Renovation & Mission Communiqué page.